This website, “Yeah, I Built That” is designed to be a resource for young people exploring career paths, parents, guidance counselors, teachers, employers, union leaders, and public officials.
The site’s name comes from the answer we most frequently hear when we ask construction industry members what they love best about their chosen path. Over and over, they tell us it’s the moment when they can pass by a completed structure or project, point, and say, “Yeah, I built that!” It doesn’t matter if they’re an architect, a carpenter, or a project accountant — they’re all part of the team.
Why Choose a Career in Construction?

It all starts with putting two blocks together. And then, exploring the options, testing the limits of how high you can build, how elaborate a structure you can create.
You move on to bigger, more sophisticated toys and tools. Legos, videogames, computer programs. You turn ideas and plans and drawings into real life objects, and refine, test, explore, build.
What if you could turn your passion for creating, your desire to be a part of something bigger, to have an impact on the world around you, to turn around at the end of the day, look at what you’ve accomplished, and feel a great sense of pride, into a great career?
Listen to the stories of our builders, our architects, our engineers, our craftsmen. Learn how to join their ranks, so that you, too, can turn, look at the city skyline, and say, “Yeah, I Built That!”